Surreal for Operations
Revolutionise your entertainment operations by saving time and maximising impact

Save time across your entire business
Give your entertainment and booking teams a booking system designed for speed.
Give your staff instant oversight of bookings to make better decisions when ordering, rostering and planning security.
Automate entertainment promotion for marketers.
Consolidate entertainment invoices and minimise errors for finance.

Create a replicable entertainment template and process
Make sure all of your venues manage entertainment the same way.
Give everyone the ability to create new entertainment-led occasions, regardless of previous experience.
Quickly onboard new staff into your standardised entertainment process.
Reduce start-up costs when staff move between venues.
Ensure consistency of entertainment when staff leave or go on holiday.

Stop wasting your valuable entertainment data
Assemble your entertainment data from spreadsheets, WhatsApp chats and agencies into one centralised system.
Import this data into CRMs to improve marketing.
Export your entertainment data to integrate with your BI systems.
Bring your entertainment into the digital age and into your tech stack.

Understand entertainment ROI and make better decisions
Import entertainment data into your BI systems for analysis.
Track revenue against entertainer information such as genre and category.
Get insights that have clear actions for your area managers and venue managers.