Surreal for Finance
Keep your P&Ls accurate with simple and error-free entertainment payments.

Aggregate all of your entertainment invoices from DJs to Photographers
Compile 10s or 1000s of invoices into 1.
Pay 1 invoice, Surreal splits and distributes payment to all entertainers.
Don’t wait for entertainer invoices, raise aggregated invoices on your own terms.
Never set up an entertainer as a new supplier again.

Save time by removing financial errors
No late invoices - Surreal automatically creates and submits invoices on behalf of the entertainer in the correct week.
No invoice errors - Venue managers review performances before they are uploaded into the invoice.
No double payments or incorrect payments
Avoid unbalancing and rebalancing books.

Build and export custom reports for financial reporting
Customise entertainment payment data with our data warehouse
Export custom reports on demand
Easily export yearly statements ready for tax time.
Requires a cost per custom report

Full visibility across the portfolio
View entertainment finances in real time including upcoming, overdue and paid invoices.
See the status of payments and associated suppliers
View historical financial data