Written By
Gabby Zgrajewski
Although it is an exciting time for punters and local artists alike, it brings into light as to how to get back on track to getting back on stage. For others, it can be a matter of how to get onto the stage after countless days of working relentlessly on new music projects that had been on the back burner. Whether you are a fresh face or a seasoned veteran in the local music scene, the anxiety of getting on stage can come and go as it pleases. No matter your situation, take time to prepare yourself with these tips that you may or may not have forgotten.
Have you got new strings (and backups for that inevitable moment you’re really feeling the music), does your cymbal have an irreversible crack or your case is starting to wear away? Start getting your gear into shape. Scour the web for second hand gear that is in good nick to save some cash, speak with friends to see if they have anything you can borrow while you save up or splash that cash on a new item if you have the means to do so.
Do not worry if you haven’t been writing new music while in lockdown – you’ve been through a global pandemic! Whether you have been refining your catalogue, tinkering with different genres or you have created a whole new album, it is now the chance to put that into action. Figure out the flow of your set and what songs you would like to play.
It’s the age-old tale of practice makes perfect – but you would know that already. Whether you’re a solo performer or play in a band, set aside time to practice. Go through the setlist you have created and decide what works best. There is never any harm in chucking in a cover to fill spare time too - there is always a sucker for Nirvana in the crowd.
Hop onto the Surreal App and your socials to start seeking out venues that are looking for bands to play. You will be welcomed with open arms to grace their stage. Trek to your local music venues to check out some other local musicians and build your rapport for other opportunities that pop up.
Promote yourself! Pop it on social media and continue to tell anyone that will listen to come to your gig. Reach out to upcoming graphic designers or artists to design a gig poster and photographers to shoot your set. Invite all your friends, family and work mates to come along. With everyone locked inside for so long, they would jump at the opportunity to get out.